
Acoustics, Ultrasound and Vibration

MWG 9- acoustics, ultrasound, and vibration

The Metrology Working Group for Acoustics, Ultrasound, and Vibration (AUV) in SIM, MWG 9, supports SIM and its member NMIs/DIs in meeting the obligations under the CIPM MRA in the field of acoustics, ultrasound, and vibration measurements. From industrial applications and environmental monitoring to health care, metrology in AUV is critical to safe and efficacious medical treatments, protecting workers in multiple industries, enabling the development of better and more reliable products, and providing critical support in fundamental research ranging from aerospace to health sciences.

Members of MWG 9 provide their respective National measurement standards for the branches: sound in air, sound in water, and vibration. The services related to sound in the air include calibration of measurement microphones, sound calibrators, sound measuring instruments, ear simulators, reference sound sources, and audiometers. Sound in water includes calibration of hydrophones for medical ultrasonic and underwater acoustics and ultrasound transducers. Vibration and shock services comprehend calibration of acceleration measuring instruments, calibrators, acceleration measuring chains/accelerometers including linear and angular motion quantities, dynamic force related to mechanical impedance and mobility measurements of modal testing, and vibration signal conditioners.

In addition to realizing the derived SI units relative to these calibrations, members of MWG 9 also conduct basic and collaborative research in calibration and measurement techniques as a foundation for metrology, which supports a wide range of customer needs.

  • MWG 9 organizes regional key and supplementary comparisons and pilot studies in the field of AUV and links these SIM activities to the Consultative Committee for Acoustics, Ultrasound, and Vibration (CCAUV) of the CIPM and to its counterparts in other Regional Metrology Organizations (RMOs).
  • MWG 9 facilitates cooperation in preparing, publishing, and maintaining calibration and measurement capability claims (CMCs) of member economies and of American laboratories new to international metrology.
  • MWG 9 facilitates technical cooperation among its members and guests through meetings, workshops, and training opportunities at various NMIs/DIs.
  • MWG 9 seeks harmonization among its members through sustainable networking.
  • MWG 9 welcomes cooperation with other communities to promote and share advanced technology.



Chair: Akobuije Chijioke


[email protected]

Vice-chair: Andres Esteban Perez Matzumoto


  • Contacts[to be developed]
  • Projects [to be developed]
  • Events & Meetings [to be developed]
  • Annual Reports & Documents [to be developed]
  • Strategy & Roadmaps [to be developed]


Key Comparison Database (KCDB), hosted by the BIPM

International Measurement Comparisons (Appendix B) in Acoustics, Ultrasound and Vibration

Calibration and Measurement Capabilities (CMCs; Appendix C) in Acoustics, Ultrasound and Vibration