
SIM joins the BIPM e-learning platform


The Inter-American Metrology System (SIM) formally signed the practical arrangement to participate in the BIPM e-learning platform on 16 March 2023. Since the launch of this capacity building resource in 2021, the training material made available by the BIPM and Regional Metrology Organizations and the number of learners has grown, reaching 17 courses and 840 registered users as of 16 March. The courses cover topics from technical guidance on calibration and uncertainty estimation to quality related aspects such as submission of CMCs and other CIPM MRA related processes.

The Inter-American Metrology System (SIM) formally signed the practical arrangement to participate in the BIPM e-learning platform on 16 March 2023. Since the launch of this capacity building resource in 2021, the training material made available by the BIPM and Regional Metrology Organizations and the number of learners has grown, reaching 17 courses and 840 registered users as of 16 March. The courses cover topics from technical guidance on calibration and uncertainty estimation to quality related aspects such as submission of CMCs and other CIPM MRA related processes.

The Inter-American Metrology System (SIM) formally signed the practical arrangement to participate in the BIPM e-learning platform on 16 March 2023. Since the launch of this capacity building resource in 2021, the training material made available by the BIPM and Regional Metrology Organizations and the number of learners has grown, reaching 17 courses and 840 registered users as of 16 March. The courses cover topics from technical guidance on calibration and uncertainty estimation to quality related aspects such as submission of CMCs and other CIPM MRA related processes.

The e-learning platform is an important tool for SIM to fulfil its mission of supporting the development of the measurement capabilities and quality infrastructure in America. It is a way to foster science through innovation, enabling SIM Members to build new capacities in an efficient manner and to improve their scientific and technical capabilities. It is also a way to share the knowledge developed in our region, enhancing cooperation with other regions.